The Untold Side of China During World War II Is More Horrifying Than You Can Even Imagine

The Untold Side of China During World War II Is More Horrifying Than You Can Even Imagine Nothing is known of the baby in the untitled photograph, often called "Bloody Saturday," which depicts a child crying in the ruins of a Shanghai train station in 1937. Because it remains unidentified, the baby serves as a symbol, representing, in utter hysteria, the atrocities committed against China by Japan during the Battle of Shanghai and throughout the protracted conflict between Japan and China during the conflict. At the time, the Japanese transgressions committed against China were horrific – yet mostly underreported in the plethora of WWII horror stories circulated in the West. The "Bloody Saturday" photograph brought to light what China endured at the hands of the Japanese during this tumultuous time. The Photograph Led To Western Outrage And Is Described As Successful Propaganda The "Bloody Saturday" photograph remains one of the most haunt...