THE mourners were almost done with burying their loved ones when they saw a shocking sight.

A naked woman had strolled into the cemetery of Riba Cross Village in Burgersfort, Limpopo – and started climbing onto the graves!

According to witnesses, the woman, who is from the village, started saying things that did not make any sense when mourners took photos and videos of her.

In a video that has been doing the rounds on social media, the woman can be seen posing for photos and leaning on tombstones.

She later lays down on a tombstone and closes her eyes as if she is asleep.

Apparently the woman was looking very confused as she walked around the cemetery on Saturday.

One witness said the dazed woman did not seem to care that people were filming her.

“We have never before seen something like this in our village.

“The dead people’s families were disturbed but did not say anything,” he said.

“There is more to this.

“No one just chooses to walk around naked like that, especially in a graveyard.”

Eventually, when furious residents threatened to burn the woman alive, she was rescued by her husband, who took her home.


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