Child. @ssault

Child. @ssault

An hairdresser identified as Ikimi Adewale was allegedly assaulted, stripped openly and almost burnt over N1500 theft.The 15-year old hairdresser who was lucky not to have been set ablaze was accused of stealing N1500. 

Adewale was rescued by her father from the  tormenting mob who tied her hands down, poured pepper into her eyes and private parts.

Narrating her narrow escape, she said "I was eating with my siblings on Monday morning when aunty Dayo sent for me to plait her hair". On getting tO the house later after eating her food, she met no one at home and decided to wait. According to her, she saw someone run out from the house while she was inside. Later that evening she was accused of the missing amount of N1500.She added Iya Feranmi told her to return the money but explained she did not take it.

However, Iya Feranmi was not having it and felt being violent would help get the truth from Adewale. She mixed fresh pepper with water and rubbed it in Adewale's eyes. But still she insisted she didn't take the money and was freed. The incident led people on the street to start calling her a thief and also ridicule her father. She said "The next day, Daddy Dayo came to our house and started beating me again".

Owing to the pains she admitted that she took the money. Iya Feranmi took laws to her hands and brutally stripped her naked. She used kerosene and matches while Aunty Maria used the belt on Adewale. Just as Iya was about to strike the matches, officers came in and took it from her. 

Childs Right Activist brought the attention of the incident to the Command, Chike Oti.The suspects were detained at Alade Police Division, Shomolu, Lagos.


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