"Now they know what it feels like"

"Now they know what it feels like" 

To these ignorant people and to anyone else who shares the same view... 

Hundreds and thousands of Muslims have been killed by terrorists and invaders into their country and Muslims have suffered far more at the hands of non-Muslims than non-Muslims have at the hands of Muslims on a GLOBAL scale.

Eight of the top ten countries with the biggest threat of terrorism are Muslim majority countries.

Just over a third of the people killed in the Paris attack were Muslim.

In places like Iraq and Afghanistan almost all of the Muslim deaths were the direct or indirect consequence of official U.S. government policy. 

Not to mention the atrocities that happened at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq where personnel of the US Army and the C.I.A committed a series of human rights violations against detainees including physical and sexual abuse, torture, rape, sodomy, and murder.

Muslims in China are being sent to concentration camps and practicing Islam is outlawed. UN reported that more than one million Uighurs are in detention in "counter-extremism centres" and at least two million are in "re-education camps" where they are forced to drink alcohol and eat pork.

Muslim's of Rohingya have been the targets of Myanmar armed forces and police, which have been accused of ethnic cleansing and genocide by the United Nations. More than 6,700 Rohingya Muslims, including at least 730 children under the age of five, were killed in the first month alone of a crackdown on Muslims in Myanmar’s northern Rakhine state.

Muslim's in Palestine are killed daily and have been since 1948. Women, and children included. Those who survive live their life in an open air prison because their lands are occupied by Zionist Israel. 

The Saudi-led, US armed slaughter of thousands of Yemeni's while millions more are driven to starvation.

In Syria, Bashar al-Assad (with Russia and Iran's support) is responsible for the slaughter of hundreds of thousands of Syrians and pushing the rest into refugee camps. The US, UK, France, and Australia also have blood on their hands.

Muslim's in India are being killed by Hindu nationalist's, burnt alive in some instances and little girls brutally raped and murdered.

But by all means, let's make it all about you and pretend that Muslim's haven't been and continue to be wiped out globally for years already.


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