The story behind this photo continues to shock anyone who recognizes it.

The story behind this photo continues to shock anyone who recognizes it.

In 1968, two men kidnapped Kim Bird. They put her in a homemade coffin, took this photo and buried her in the woods. They hung the photo on a local bulletin board and signed on the back, "I am buried in the woods, you have no more than 5 days to find me." For days, passersby looked at the photo and thought it was a joke. Until a former colleague of Kim's saw the photo. She immediately went to the police, but they didn't know what to do. After all, they only have the photo, but where it is buried is unknown. Then Kim's classmate started looking at the photo and realized that some letters are written strangely, highlighted in bold, and if you look closely, you can read the girl's secret message....

On the leaf was written Kim + Brad (classmate's name). It was exactly the kind of inscription they had once left on a tree during a vacation in the woods as a token of their love for each other in high school. Brad immediately went with the police to the site and they found a fresh grave next to the tree. Kim was saved, but if she had been found a few hours later, she would not have survived. For many years afterward, neither Kim nor Brad could explain how it happened that she was buried there and how Brad saw that photo. After all, he had just happened to be in town for work, he hadn't lived here for years.


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